Charity Details

The Island Project
Registered Charity Number: 1119034
Location Of Benefit: UK Local (West Midlands & Warwickshire)
Address for donations: Diddington Hall, Diddington Lane, Meriden, West Midlands. CV77HQ

The Island Project School is a charity based school for pupils with Autism. The School was established by two mums carol and Jacqui, one of which has a child with severe Autism. Initially started as home tutoring, Carol’s wish was for her son was to go to school and interact with other children, and having spoken to like-minded mothers in the community in the same situation, her best friend Jacqui decided to open up and start their own School. Starting with a book of raffle tickets, fund raising events and donations from friends, Jacqui persuaded the landlord of a local public house to let them rent a disused Wacky Warehouse at the rear of the pub, following the process of setting up a charity, learning about planning regulations and a mountain of school policies and procedures The Island Project was born. The school quickly grew and reached capacity at 7 children, due to the success and the impact on the lives of the children and families attending The Island Project, the school became inundated with requests from desperate families seeking places and so the need for larger premises was required and the school relocated to Meriden West Midlands.