Our Commitment Friends Centre will provide quality and appropriate learning programmes for adults in the city of Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas. Our Vision Friends Centre is to be at the heart of adult learning in the city of Brighton & Hove to help learners achieve aspirations and meet challenges. Our Mission Friends Centre is an independent adult education organisation where people can develop their knowledge, skills, understanding and creativity in a supportive environment. Our Values Friends Centre’s learning programmes aim to: Help learners achieve aspirations and meet challenges Stimulate community interest and civic involvement Promote tolerance, social justice, environmental sustainability and international understanding Friends Centre also holds: A National Careers Service contract to deliver Information, Advice & Guidance A Brighton & Hove City Council contract for Supporting People, which delivers 1 to 1 tuition for homeless people to improve their access to English, Maths, IT and Language training. We also offer a programme of arts and crafts, creative writing and literature, health and happiness, history, IT, French and personal and professional development courses.