Charity Details

Friends Centre
Registered Charity Number: 1102262
Location Of Benefit: England (local Brighton and Hove)
Address for donations: Friends Centre, Brighton Junction, 1A Isetta Square, 35 New England Street, Brighton BN1 4GQ

Our Commitment Friends Centre will provide quality and appropriate learning programmes for adults in the city of Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas. Our Vision Friends Centre is to be at the heart of adult learning in the city of Brighton & Hove to help learners achieve aspirations and meet challenges. Our Mission Friends Centre is an independent adult education organisation where people can develop their knowledge, skills, understanding and creativity in a supportive environment. Our Values Friends Centre’s learning programmes aim to: Help learners achieve aspirations and meet challenges Stimulate community interest and civic involvement Promote tolerance, social justice, environmental sustainability and international understanding Friends Centre also holds: A National Careers Service contract to deliver Information, Advice & Guidance A Brighton & Hove City Council contract for Supporting People, which delivers 1 to 1 tuition for homeless people to improve their access to English, Maths, IT and Language training. We also offer a programme of arts and crafts, creative writing and literature, health and happiness, history, IT, French and personal and professional development courses.