International Aid Projects

- Addiction & Recovery
- Animal Welfare
- Armed Forces
- Community & Social Welfare
- Disability
- Education
- Elderly Care
- Environment & Conservation
- Homeless
- Hospice Care
- Hospitals
- Human Rights
- International Aid Projects
- Medical Care
- Medical Research
- Newborn Care
- Religious Causes
- Rescue Services
- Theatre, Music, The Arts
- Vulnerable Children

Since 2005 we have rebuilt and funded a nursery school in the Gambia where over 450 children are registered. We send the teachers wages monthly . . .

Safe Africa campaigns for and contributes towards poverty eradication and disease control in Africa. We make the difference, that difference for women and children in Africa . . .

MicroAid – a little practical help for poor families. MicroAid is an international charity that helps empower groups of poor families through livelihood skills training, micro grants & business connections . . .

We help to support some of Uganda's 2½ million orphans by working with the villagers among whom they live, providing clean available WATER, a MOBILE CLINIC, education . . .

Forever Angels is a Baby Home in Tanzania which provides interim care for up to 60 orphaned, abandoned, abused, sick, disabled or HIV positive infants until a more permanent home can be found . . .

Conserve Africa supports the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment through tree planting and access to clean water and sanitation in Africa . . .

Good health of persons in the UK and Bangladesh and the relief of poverty and hardship in particular but not exclusively among victims of natural disaster especially those who are effected by flood, cyclone, earthquake and tsunamis . . .
Bambui UK Development ihas, over the past 5 years supported nearly 350 children of Bambui (an emerging township in northwestern Cameroon) to either begin or stay in education through our disadvantaged children's education sponsorship program . . .

PCF works to end child labour & restore childhood to children and families living on the dumpsites & in the cemeteries of the Philippines. We have programmes in Education, Social Welfare, Livelihood, Nutrition and Health.

Water and sanitation charity raising awareness for water poverty through a hike from Sheffield to Cape Town