
- Addiction & Recovery
- Animal Welfare
- Armed Forces
- Community & Social Welfare
- Disability
- Education
- Elderly Care
- Environment & Conservation
- Homeless
- Hospice Care
- Hospitals
- Human Rights
- International Aid Projects
- Medical Care
- Medical Research
- Newborn Care
- Religious Causes
- Rescue Services
- Theatre, Music, The Arts
- Vulnerable Children

We provide comfort and facilities above and beyond healthcare provided by the NHS. Enhancing a person’s visit to us can make all the difference to their well-being, improving both their recovery and overall experience . . .

We put patients at the heart of all we do, providing the little touches & big differences. Whether it is massage therapy for cancer patients, support for dementia patients, companion visits or research funding we are here to help.

An independent non-profit organisation and fundraiser for the world-famous Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Child Healthcare in the Western Cape. Serving children from all over Africa . .

We support the wonderful patients, carers and families at our local hospitals - Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital, Solihull Hospital & Birmingham Chest Clinic.